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Michele Fowler

Michele Fowler


It is a privilege to serve our community as Sonoran Sky’s Principal. My priorities and commitment to the Sonoran Sky are to support the overall health and well-being of our students and staff, to support and strengthen the successful programs in place, and to provide opportunities to celebrate student achievement and success. Know my door is always open to parents, students, and community members. 

Prior to becoming principal, I had a variety of leadership experiences, including instructional coach and assistant principal in Paradise Valley School District. Even with these amazing experiences, I will always be a teacher at heart with 17 years of classroom teaching experience in both primary and intermediate grade levels. My educational background includes a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education at Grandview University, a Masters in Educational Leadership at Grand Canyon University, a National Board Certification, and a Master Teacher Certification.

My husband, Dan, and I are proud parents of our daughter and son. Both are products of PV, as they attended Mountain Trail Middle School and graduated from Pinnacle High School. With this solid foundation, they have both gone on to graduate from Grand Canyon University and have successfully started their careers.

It is my privilege to lead Sonoran Sky Elementary and the many talented teachers and students here! I am honored to serve at Sonoran Sky, and I am committed to fulfilling our mission of inspiring, embracing, and celebrating individual achievement by developing a strong partnership between educators, students, and our community. By doing so, each individual student and teacher can experience growth to their highest potential. I look forward to partnering with you in your child’s education.